Click any poem's title to switch to that poem's page. Use your "Back" button to return to the previous poem you were reading.

Here are links to notes on the book as a whole and on translation questions that span multiple poems. They open in separate windows.

These pages contain samples of a projected website devoted to Yannis Ritsos's book Parodos, ΠΑΡΟΔΟΣ (Kedros, 1980). So far there are pages for just a few of the 117 poems in the book. There are also a few general notes.

To view the samples, scroll the list of poems — the upper menu in the left-hand sidebar — and click on one of the titles that are not grayed out. The poem's page will replace this one in your browser's window, with the English translation above and the Greek original below.

When you hover the mouse over any line in the translation, it changes color to indicate that if you click on the line, a note will appear in a pop-up window. To dismiss this pop-up, click anywhere outside it on the page. You can move a note around by dragging it, and resize it by dragging the handles at its corners and sides. In some cases the title has a note too, and some pages have a note accessible from a button in the header bar labeled "On the Whole Poem."

In the same way, from the lower menu in the sidebar, you can select general notes. These appear in separate windows which you can close when finished. These too samples; eventually I hope there will be more detailed statistics and word lists, discussions of thematic and grammatical patterns in the book, and notes on the author and the work.

I am aware that there must be innumerable errors, design glitches, and gaps in these pages. If you see errors or problems, please send me email.

I would also welcome more information. What is the "beautiful, punished Cow" mentioned in poem #8? Who is the Anna whose face appears in strips within another's face, if that is what happens, in poem #99? The notes are littered with questions like this.

— Charles Hartman (