Charles O. Hartman

Crete Photos — 2

Well, not all from Crete — some are from Athens, some from airplanes. These are photos from the sabbatical month I spent mostly in the village of Kalives, at the mouth of Souda Bay on the north coast of Crete near the city of Chania.

If you click on an image, a larger version — still not very large (about 200kb) or very high-res — will open in a new window.

fire tools by hotel room door

ATHENS. Beside the hotel room door at the Acropolis House, I was glad to notice that these fire tools were of a rich, official color that would stand out — if not at night — at least in a panic.

(The sign above them notes, in Greek, English, and French, that smoking is allowed only on the veranda of the first [i.e., second] floor.)

monastery church at ancient Aptera

APTERA. The ancient site of Aptera is not far from Kalives — that rectangular chip at top center, in the northeast, is the same Turkish fort visible from my hotel from the other side. The city was an important one in Minoan times, again in Hellenistic, again in Roman, and, after its destruction by earthquake in the seventh century, as the site of a monastery of St. John Theologus, aka the Baptist. This is the monastery chapel.

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